local learning journal

本机环境初始化为 win8.1


  • git-for-window: git version 2.10.2.windows.1
  • node: v6.2.0
  • vagrant: Vagrant 1.8.7
  • virtualbox: 5.1.8
  • python: 2.7.12


  • 初始化本地设置 ```

    git config

    git config --global user.name Carson git config --global user.email chenkansheng0@163.com git config --global color.ui auto

config SSH key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C chenkansheng0@163.com cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # copy to github > settings > ssh and GPA keys

add remote repositroy

- 创建记录本地系统的日志仓库

create local repositroy

cd ~/desktop/ mkdir mylog && cd mylog git init

add remote repositroy

git remote add origin git@github.com:littlecarson/mylog

add and push

vim local.md git add local.md git commit -m "first commit" git push -u origin master

view git logs, status, modify

git log git log --pretty=short # 只显示一行提交信息 git log --oneline git log README.md # 查看指定文件或目录的日志 git log -p # 文件的前后差异会显示在提交信息之后 git log -p README.md # 查看指定文件或目录的前后差异 git diff # 查看工作树和暂存区的区别 git diff HEAD # 查看工作树和最新提交的差别


git branch # 查看分支列表 git checkout branch-B # create branch git branch branch-B # switch branch git checkout -b branch-B # create and switch branch

git merge

git checkout master git merge --no-ff branch-B git log --graph

git reverse

git reset --hard hashValue

## 安装 **noder** 虚拟机

$ cd / $ mkdir noder $ cd noder $ vagrant inint ubuntu/trusty64 $ vagrant up

## 安装 **cnpm4.4.0**包管理器

$ npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org

## 安装 **bower**

$ cnpm install -g bower $ bower -v 1.8.0 ```

results matching ""

    No results matching ""